Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Luckiest Guy in the World

Where do I start.  I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the world being able to spend every day home with my son.  As I write this, my wife is on a plane home from NYC because  her job has taken her there three of the last four weeks.  She has been busting her butt at work, traveling like crazy and misses my son immensely.  I honestly can't say I would like to be in her shoes.  Meanwhile, I am here in Seattle trying to make her and my son proud by doing the best for them that I can.  I try not to take for granted a day that I get to be home with my son.  I hope to utilize this blog to give insight on what my experiences have been leaving work, how I feel amongst the moms, how my relationship has changed and developed with my wife, and the feelings and experiences that I get when I am with my son.  Hopefully this blog will bring together other stay at home dads for great discussion about our experiences.  More to come soon.  Here we go.

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